Water Treatment Sludge Reclamation (Budget Ref # 1154)

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Water
Project value$9,211,000
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Wastewater Management and Treatment
Grant amount$230,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Saskatoon, SK
Loan amount$2,303,000
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 266,141
Project timeline 2004 - 2006
Project number 1381


The City of Saskatoon’s water treatment plant discharges a non–toxic cold lime softening and ferric sulphate coagulantsludge directly into the South Saskatchewan River. The area is used heavily for recreation and the discharge is aconcern to the public, tourism operations, and the Meewasin Valley Authority (MVA).The project will design and construct a sludge reclamation facility that collects water treatment wastes for utilization atthe city’s landfill. The sludge discharges will be entirely eliminated. The dewatered sludge will then be mixed with soil andused as cover dirt at the landfill – a unique approach. Eliminating the discharge will ensure the sustainability of the water treatment plant as an acceptable operation in a sensitive residential area and within recreational and conservation plansfor the river valley.A lifecycle assessment of trucking vs. pumping the sludge will be part of the project analysis as well as environmentaland energy impacts.

Project results

  • 2920000 cubic metres of water treated per year
  • 34675 cubic metres of waste treated

Environmental outcomes

  • Reduced hazardous residuals from water treatment
  • Biodiversity and ecosystem protection

Social outcomes

  • Development of local programs

Economic outcomes

  • New or improved revenue streams

Lessons learned

  • Stakeholder and community engagement
  • Resources
  • External factors
  • Technical – Project specific


City of Saskatoon, SK