Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan for Île Bourdon in Repentigny

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$93,170
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Grant amount$46,585
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Repentigny, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 86,100
Project timeline 2014 - 2016
Project number 13007


The City of Repentigny wants to develop a sustainable neighbourhood action plan for Île Bourdon, a 58-hectare island at the southwestern end of the city. The goal is to improve residential development and accessibility to the water, enhance recreational tourism features and reduce harmful environmental impacts. Île Bourdon is privately owned agricultural land and it is zoned for mixed use. However, the fragile natural ecosystems and floodplains on the island mean that developing the land will be a complex, challenging process. Repentigny will base its planning process on various current urban planning trends including new urbanism, transit-oriented development (TOD), smart growth and LEED criteria. The City will first take a cross-cutting approach to assessing the situation on Île Bourdon and the many master plans and policies adopted by various levels of government to direct and frame the development of the island. In this regard, the City will focus on harmonizing its policies on the environment, families and seniors. Throughout the process, Repentigny has incorporated systematic consultation with stakeholders, including the town council and municipal services, the general public and various organizations. After developing a vision and identifying primary issues, Repentigny will incorporate innovative objectives, actions and measures into its plan. It will prioritize integrating a mix of functions (conservation, recreation, housing and local businesses), the development and promotion of sustainable modes of transport, measures promoting energy efficiency, as well as water and waste management. The plan will also include indicators and targets for evaluating the effectiveness of the process and making any necessary improvements. This initiative will seek to strike a balance between conservation and development by improving the urban environment, natural resources use, and social integration. Other riverside communities may seek inspiration from this plan, in particular the process used to identify problems and issues, the cross-cutting approach to planning, as well as the tools developed as part of the project. (Project description from original funding application)


Ville de Repentigny, QC