Chatham-Kent Brownfield Development Strategy (Community Improvement Plan)

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Brownfield
Project value$200,000
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Redevelopment strategies
Grant amount$100,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Municipality of Chatham-Kent, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 103,988
Project timeline 2006 - 2009
Project number 5678


A Community Improvement Plan (CIP), centered on a Brownfield Remediation Strategy, is a key part of the development of an Official Plan for the new Municipality of Chatham-Kent. Possibly the first time that such a strategy is attempted in a rural/urban municipality, it could provide a replicable example to other municipalities managing the amalgamation of rural communities with relatively small urban centres. Its purpose is to stimulate the redevelopment of approximately 75-100 contaminated sites by identifying site development opportunities and providing a comprehensive framework for specific remediation policies, strategies and re-use opportunities. Components include: a review of planning regulations and relevant legislation; an evaluation and prioritization of sites; the development of a comprehensive mapping index and a list of available redevelopment/remediation tools and incentives; policy and program recommendations for a proactive approach to rehabilitation and redevelopment including a plan for the development of a brownfields marketing strategy; a proposal for integrating brownfield redevelopment plans into municipal planning documents; the identification of the top ten project areas with specific remediation and redevelopment procedures; the establishment of a template to transform brownfield sites into economically viable and environmentally sustainable sites; a review of both the new Official Plan and the Brownfield Remediation Strategy to ensure correlation; and a review and summary of Bill 56 and its regulations resulting in recommendations for a proactive approach to brownfields.


Municipality of Chatham-Kent, ON