Humber Arboretum Sustainability Project

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Energy
Project value$1,500,000
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Building – Existing – with Renewable energy
Grant amount$130,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Toronto, ON
Loan amount$100,000
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 2,794,356
Project timeline 2009 - 2011
Project number 774


The Humber Arboretum is a park and nature preserve located in the Humber River valley within the City of Toronto. Asmall nature centre building exists in the Arboretum to educate visitors about the area's ecology. Arboretum staff andstudents at Humber College have developed a plan to expand the centre so it can handle more visitors whiledemonstrating the principles of sustainability. The proposed project will use a range of technologies, including: passivesolar energy design elements, photovoltaic panels, solar hot water heating, natural ventilation, composting toilets,straw–bale above–grade walls and wetlands sewage disposal. The result will be a facility that leaves almost noecological footprint. The project is a joint venture among the City of Toronto, Humber College and the Toronto andRegion Conservation Authority. The opportunity to educate visitors about sustainable technologies is an importantfeature of this project.


City of Toronto, ON