Étude de faisabilité d’un projet de conversion à la biomasse forestière, Baie-Saint-Paul

Type of initiative
Sector Energy
Project value$127,200
Project Type Feasibility Study
Grant amount$96,565
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2018
Project number 15355


The City of Baie-Saint-Paul will be conducting a feasibility study for a project to convert an oil-fired heating system to a forest biomass system at the recently acquired convent complex of the Petites Franciscaines de Marie.A prior exploratory study identified the energy requirements of the facility and identified an alternative to the oil-fired heating system. This preliminary study concluded that while the current energy demand of the building was very high, it could be met by a biomass heating system.Energy efficiency measures and the conversion of the oil-fired heating system to a forest biomass system would make it possible to completely eliminate the current consumption of fuel oil and reduce GHG emissions by more than 90%. The proposed feasibility study will include an energy audit, an analysis of energy efficiency measures, and a comprehensive financial analysis of the project. In addition to reducing the building’s GHG emissions, the project will reduce heating costs and improve user comfort.The use of forestry chips as fuel for the new heating system will come from the local area. This will result in reduced procurement costs as well as have a positive impact on the local economy. Moreover, this project is consistent with the City of Baie-St-Paul’s 2013–2018 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Action Plan. The aforementioned plan recommends converting oil-fired heating systems to electric, geothermal, or biomass heating.
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