Electronic Equipment Collection

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Waste
Project value$32,636
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Multiple Diversion Types
Grant amount$16,318
Program type GMF
Municipality Region of Peel, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 1,451,022
Project timeline 2001 - 2009
Project number 1623


This study will assess options for electronic equipment waste collection; a growing concern because of the acceleratedpace at which computers and other electronic equipment becomes obsolete. Disposing of electronic equipment inlandfills can be a serious environmental hazard because of the mercury, lead and cadmium content of electronicequipment. The Region expects the project to cut electronic equipment collected annually by 20 tonnes. Discardedelectronic equipment will be collected from residents and small business at the region's community recycling centres anddepots, then processed for recycling and reuse of parts thus reducing landfill disposal of this material. The study willevaluate the proper handling and diversion of equipment and determine how much electronic equipment could bediverted from landfill.


Region of Peel, ON