Ajax Climate Change Adaptation Initiative

Type of initiative
Sector Climate Change Adaptation
Project value$269,500
Project Type Operational Study
Grant amount$87,500
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2019
Project number 15354


The Town of Ajax will be carrying out a climate change adaptation operational study to assess the vulnerability of the community to climate changes, to identify the actions that need to be taken and to estimate their costs.Ajax has been impacted by a number of climatic events including the 2013 ice storm, 2016 drought, and 2017 flooding. These events have caused property damage, energy and transportation disruptions, injury, and economic struggles to the community. With the understanding that Ajax is likely to experience these events more frequently, the objective of the initiative is to enable the community to be more resilient to climate changes. The proposed initiative will enable the creation of a climate model that takes into consideration natural assets, infrastructure and predicted future climate impacts. This tool will demonstrate how and where Ajax will be impacted by the three main climate change stressors (severe weather, temperature and precipitation). This model will undergo a technical analysis to determine where the greatest threats lie within the community as it relates to degradation of natural capita, overland and stormwater flooding, and emergency preparedness and response.The identification of threats include:• Overland and Stormwater Flooding- Areas most susceptible to overland flooding - The flow paths for surface and stormwater run-off - Undersized culvert and stormwater infrastructure - Vulnerable shoreline and stream banks susceptible to erosion • Natural Capita - Vulnerable forest canopy based on species and plant hardiness- Areas most susceptible to heat island affect- Areas where climate chance will impact species at risk- Pathways of invasive species spread- Wetland and other sensitive habitat most susceptible to drought- Tree confliction with electrical and communication transmission infrastructure on public and private property.• Emergency Preparedness and Response- Transportation systems susceptible to failure as a result of increased precipitation and severe storm including impacts on evacuation routes and impacts on public transit- Populations most likely to be exposed to climate based health risks- Local partners and resources available during climate emergencies- Vulnerable buildings susceptible to increased energy system disruptions- Emergency shelters and local response protocols during severe weather events. The outcome of this study will be used to develop a Community Climate Adaptation Plan and to support the Town of Ajax’s Asset Management Plan and long term budget forecast, ensuring that climate resiliency in a top priority across the municipality.
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