Town of Orangeville Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$94,800
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Grant amount$46,400
Program type GMF
Municipality Town of Orangeville, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 30,167
Project timeline 2018 - 2019
Project number 15729


The Town of Orangeville will develop a Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP) that will include goals, targets and actions in all areas of Town activity including energy use, planning, transportation, land use, waste and water management, and brownfield remediation. Additionally, the SNAP is envisioned to build upon, strengthen and assist in implementing the Town’s pre-existing Sustainability goals in its Official Plan that encompass environmental, economic, social and cultural sustainability to ensure that years from now, the Town will be healthy, prosperous, livable and vibrant. The Town of Orangeville will develop their SNAP vision by employing a detailed community engagement and communication strategy which is expected to include online surveys, social media campaigns, pop-up consultations, public and stakeholder workshops, and do-it-yourself meeting kits which will allow for community groups and organizations to facilitate their own visioning workshops. The Town will make efforts to include traditionally under-represented groups through targeted outreach to youths, older adults, newcomers and those with accessibility needs. The Town of Orangeville will take a systemic approach to plan design through a Project Steering Committee comprised of departmental staff from Planning, Environmental, Building, Economic Development, Transportation and Recreational Services, as well as representation from conservation authorities, utility providers, post-secondary institutions, land development professionals and the building industry. The Town of Orangeville Sustainability Action Team (OSAT) will be involved at all levels and stages of plan development from outreach and design to implementation. The OSAT has been a driving force in developing sustainability-focused projects throughout the community for over a decade and includes local sustainability champions, municipal staff and a designated Town Council representative. The developed targets and actions will be presented to the public for further input through online surveys and public workshops followed by finalizing the implementation strategy that details timelines, responsibilities and costs for the identified actions. The final SNAP will be presented to Town Council for adoption. In addition to the Town’s Official Plan, the SNAP will work to implement objectives and policies outlined in a myriad of existing plans and strategies including The Town of Orangeville Corporate Asset Management Plan (2016), Orangeville’s Cultural Plan (2014) and the Town of Orangeville Parks Master Plan (2015). The SNAP will identify specific tasks with details on who will accomplish them, a timeline for implementation and estimated costs. These will be available for all areas of municipal activity, including energy, waste and water management, sustainable transportation, land use and brownfield remediation (if applicable). The SNAP will provide good knowledge value through lessons learned for other towns across Canada, particularly municipalities that are facing similar growth-related pressure due to proximity to large metropolitan centres like the Greater Toronto Area. (Project description from original funding application)


Town of Orangeville, ON