Former Kings County Court House Energy Retrofit and Renewal

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Energy
Project value$930,380
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Building – Existing – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$57,575
Program type GMF
Municipality Hampton, NB
Loan amount$575,760
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 4,395
Project timeline 2016 - 2016
Project number 13138


The Town of Hampton will reduce energy usage in the provincially designated heritage former Kings County Court House building by converting from oil heat to HVAC heat pumps for heat and cooling, increasing insulation throughout the building envelope, and upgrading electrical services. The renovations are projected to result in an energy reduction of 69% (514 GJ per year), as well as improving accessibly in the building. Additional environmental benefits will include reduced GHG emissions, the installation of low flow toilets, high efficiency light fixtures, and integration with the corporate recycling and composting programs for municipal facilities. The Town of Hampton anticipates that the project will not only achieve environmental objectives outlined in their Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (GMF 10190), but also preserve and celebrate its small-town heritage through interpretive historical displays and exhibitions on site. Economic benefits will include a projected 53% reduction in operating costs for the facility, as well as an increase in its financial value and extended lifespan. (Project description from original funding application)

Project results

  • 26 tonnes of GHG emissions avoided
  • 350 GJ of energy savings per year

Environmental outcomes

  • Reduced energy use
  • Reduced or avoided GHG emissions
  • Reduced water consumption

Social outcomes

  • Increased public safety and security
  • Greater civic pride and ownership
  • Increased opportunities for community engagement
  • Increased social inclusion
  • Promotion of a sustainable lifestyle
  • Improved public space
  • Community revitalization
  • Development of local programs

Economic outcomes

  • Reduced operating costs
  • Reduced maintenance costs
  • New or improved revenue streams
  • Innovative financing
  • Increased municipal attraction
  • Local business development or local economy stimulus

Lessons learned

  • Stakeholder and community engagement
  • Communication & coordination
  • Data and reporting
  • Resources
  • Technical – Project specific


Hampton, NB