Leduc-Nisku Genuine Wealth Sustainability Project

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$140,000
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Sustainable Communities
Grant amount$70,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Leduc, AB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 34,094
Project timeline 2005 - 2011
Project number 5707


The Leduc-Nisku community will test drive the Genuine Wealth Accounting (GWA) model, developed by Mark Anelski, to modify the City of Leduc’s five year general plan into a sustainable community plan with indicators to guide and assess policy, program, and infrastructure decisions. The GWA framework uses an integrated asset mapping approach to diagnose the sustainability of a community’s natural, human, social, built (infrastructure) and financial capital. Natural synergies between the GWA and other frameworks and tools – e.g., The Natural Step Canada (TNS), Ecological Footprint Analysis (EFA), Life-Cycle Value Assessment (LCVA), Triple Bottom Line Accounting Framework, Material Energy Flow Analysis (MEFA) – will be explored. A series of public meetings will be held to assess community values, using the GWA model, toward sustainability. This holistic planning approach will result in a baseline that will enable the Leduc-Nisku community to identify priority areas that will help move the community towards becoming more sustainable. The result will be integrated projects with positive environmental impacts. A reduction of 75,244 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) is expected from implementation of the plan. Additional benefits will include a decrease in water consumption and a reduction in various chemicals entering the community.


Leduc-Nisku Economic Development Authority, AB