City of Nanaimo Climate Change Resiliency Strategy

Type of initiative
Sector Climate Change Adaptation
Project value$231,000
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$175,000
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2020
Project number 15359


The City of Nanaimo will realize a plan to be more resilient to climate change. This plan will be in two concurrent parts, an overall climate resiliency strategy and a specific sea level rise impact assessment. It will identify localized climate change impacts and will specify actions to protect local residents and municipal assets. The climate resiliency strategy will be used to identify all climate related vulnerabilities within the City and suggest best practice actions to address or avoid climate related risks.The sea level rise impact assessment will build on the City's existing projected sea level rise mapping by using sophisticated hydrological modeling and extensive coastal engineering research to provide more realistic sea level rise mapping. The mapping will then be used to identify vulnerabilities and inform the larger picture Climate Change Resiliency Strategy.The Climate Change Resiliency Strategy will be used to identify all climate related vulnerabilities within the City and suggest best practice actions to address or avoid climate related risks. The strategy will:• Research best practice within other municipalities in addition to guidelines prepared by other levels of government and other support organizations.• Respond to current and anticipated climate, infrastructure and environmental conditions in Nanaimo.• Identify local climate change impacts and potential benefits in Nanaimo, using accepted scientific practices, climate data and existing research.• Include an impact and vulnerability assessment related to expect climate change impacts including but not limited to sea level rise, drought, flooding/ increased storm events, and water logged soil (landslip).• Suggest adaptation tools and strategies to be implemented locally and evaluate suggested actions based on effectiveness, impact, readiness to implement, opportunity and timing/cost.• Prepare an implementation action plan using the tools and strategies identified above.• Identify risk and vulnerabilities and suggest adaptation objectives and actions for Infrastructure, transportation, emergency response, building, land use and economic development.In addition to the environmental goal, this plan will achieve social and economic objectives. It will help to protect the health and wellbeing of Nanaimo residents, especially vulnerable population to poor air quality and extreme heat conditions. The climate change resilience strategy and the sea level rise study will help the City identify climate change related risks to existing assets and plan to avoid future risk. It will help City Staff develop regulations to respond to increased risks associated with climate change in order to protect buildings, persons and property within the City.
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