SAH-Fishing Lake Metis Settlement Net-Zero Ready Triplex

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - SAH
Sector Energy
Project value$1,657,525
Project Type Pilot Project
Sub Sector Building – New – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$500,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Fishing Lake Metis Settlement, AB
Status In Progress
Population 446
Project timeline 2022 -
Project number 18120


The Fishing Lake Metis Settlement (FLMS) is one of 8 Metis Settlement s in Alberta that work collectively through the Metis Settlements General Council. The Fishing Lake Metis Settlement came to be in 1938 and has a population of approximately 500, with an additional 200 members living off the settlement. There are currently 3 duplexes in the Settlement’s rental portfolio and there are 170 homes that are held privately. The FLMS proposes a pilot project, a new building which is a triplex (a 2-bedroom unit, and two 4-bedroom units) for vulnerable populations.
The pilot project has the potential to achieve significant energy reduction and other environmental benefits. The use of natural habitat as part of the project (i.e., rainwater, firewood, etc.) also helps limit the overall carbon footprint. The energy model, using the PHPP software gives a TEUI of 96kwh/m2 before accounting for the Photovoltaic system, which is well below the Northern threshold of 120 KWH/m2. With the PV system, the TEUI would be brought down to zero.
Additional energy efficiency measures include:
  • Optimized solar design with south-oriented living spaces and glazing
  • Super-insulated building envelope (R40 walls, R89 roof, R25 floor)
  • Thermal bridge-free and airtight design detailing
  • High-efficiency heat pump heating, cooling, and domestic hot water systems
  • Mechanical ventilation utilizing an ERV
  • Roof-top PV array sized to match modeled annual electricity usage
Surveys would be used to gauge tenant sentiment and satisfaction before and after occupancy and on an ongoing basis. FLMS would interview the locally procured firms/trades to gauge how impactful this project was (both for skill building and job creation) and what to improve for the future. Utility, maintenance, and other costs would be measured and gauged on an ongoing basis.
Innovative aspect(s):
  • Net Zero Energy
    • A net zero approach is novel for the Settlement as well as rural housing from a broad perspective as this design still has not been widely adopted across many projects at this time
  • Climate Friendly Design
    • The design uses low impact materials such as the Larsen truss and dense pack cellulose which has been recognized as being an innovative building approach
  • Fully Electric Project Build
    • Most houses in the province are heated by gas whereas the proposed project is going to be fully electric showcasing a model for housing in Canada must develop if we are to achieve a true net-zero future.
The innovation surrounding this project would showcase how hybrid solutions are possible, how they can be implemented, and replicated. The project team is working in association with the Indigenous Clean Energy (ICE) and using their expertise to seek additional platforms and practices to assist with knowledge sharing and replication.
The units for this project have been priced in a way to support affordability, by following local affordability standards. These lower rents are in part possible due to the Net Zero implementation, as Net Zero reduces operating costs such as utility fees, which are passed on to the tenants as reduced rents.
Eligibility: This application is eligible because it aims to achieve or exceed the following objectives:
Applicants must be municipal governments, municipally owned corporations, or non-profit housing providers 
  • 30% of the units must be below 80% of the MMR to be considered “affordable” 
  • New-build projects must aim for NZE or NZER to be eligible, with a maximum net-Total Energy Use Intensity (TEUI) of 120 kWh/m2 


Fishing Lake Metis Settlement, AB