Sustainability Metrics Monitoring and Incentives Project

Type of initiative
Sector Energy
Project value$115,000
Project Type Operational Study
Grant amount$50,000
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2021
Project number 15711


The Sustainability Metrics Monitoring and Incentives project will allow Richmond Hill, Brampton and Vaughan to update the existing inter-municipal Sustainability Metrics program and consider establishing new programs (e.g. Green Roof By-law, Incentives) to achieve a lower-carbon built form in three urbanizing municipalities. Richmond Hill’s Sustainability Metrics program is a tool used to implement the sustainable design policies in the Richmond Hill Official Plan. As of the end of 2016, 35% of development applications were scoring above the minimum sustainability score across the suite of approximately 50 metrics resulting in more sustainable developments being approved and built in Richmond Hill.This project will be undertaken in two parts: Part 1 - Sustainability Metrics Update• Background analysis of Sustainability Metrics that require updating based on changes to legislation and Provincial policy since 2013.• Preparation of draft new/revised Sustainability Metrics based on this research.• Consultation with internal and external stakeholders on the draft new/revised Metrics. • A final report regarding proposed updates to the Metrics for approval by Council. Part 2 – Research and Recommendations for New Metrics, Target and Implementation Incentives• Research the development of new Metrics based on:• Background analysis of approaches used by other municipalities to define a more energy efficient, lower-carbon community, including investigating the need for a new community GHG emissions reduction target beyond the 6% community GHG emissions reduction target Council endorsed in 2004 based on recent Provincial direction.• Analysis of the implications of approaches used elsewhere, including analyzing the “archetype” built forms within Richmond Hill in terms of how building differently could help the Town realize its goals of reducing GHG emissions and creating a more sustainable, energy efficient community. • Analysis of mandating green roofs.• Identification of possible incentives to reduce GHG emissions within new development. • Preparation of Draft new Metrics and Draft Green Roof By-law (identifying criteria for its application), if appropriate, including stakeholder consultation on the drafts.• Identify possible incentives and the means of implementing them.• A final report regarding proposed new Metrics and Green Roof By-law for approval by Council.
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