Projet pilote pour l’intégration d’un camion de pompier électrique (électrification des camions et d

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Transportation
Project value$2,783,154
Project Type Pilot Project
Sub Sector Fleet Management
Grant amount$500,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Varennes, QC
Status In Progress
Population 21,198
Project timeline 2023 - 2025
Project number DFC-23-0110


The City of Varennes has decided to carry out a pilot project to acquire a 100% electric “rescue-type” fire truck that will be integrated into the municipality’s fleet of utility and specialized trucks. The project will make it possible to test and review the performances and use of this new type of electric fire truck.
The main goal of this project is to improve the environmental and sustainable development track record. This can be achieved by reducing the carbon and environmental footprint, and increasing health and safety in exceptional situations and uses, such as fires and other emergencies.
Conducting a pilot project with this type of truck will provide crucial data on the benefits, costs and risks associated with the electrification of fire trucks in Quebec. The mission of the project oversight team is to validate the results while considering the environmental, social and economic components. The telemetry tools used will make it possible to calculate gains in terms of GHG reductions.
The City of Varennes is an active municipal actor in the area of sustainable development and GHG emission reduction. Its strategic vision promotes development and innovation, as demonstrated in the environmental policy’s action plan titled Vers un horizon durable (2012), the environmental policy titled Vers un horizon durable (2010) and the GHG reduction action plan adopted as part of the Climate Municipalities Program (2013).
The project will increase the City’s knowledge and experience with the electrification of more specialized and technical truck fleets.
Innovative aspects
For the City of Varennes, this pilot project would be the first initiative of its kind in Quebec and the second one in Canada.
The pilot project management team will benefit from its experience with producing media communication tools to share the results and progress of the project with other communities.

Environmental benefits
  • Reduction of approximately 12,98 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (-99%)

Economic benefits
  • Replacing a conventional truck with an electric one will generate fuel cost savings, depending on the number of kilometres travelled.

  • A Quebec-based company will complete the electrification of the fire truck. The contract of the City of Varennes will have a positive impact on this Quebec company in terms of its future orders and the jobs associated with its operations.

Social benefits
  • Improved quality of life and health for the community.

  • An electric fire truck is less noisy than a conventional truck.

  • The partnership between the City and a Quebec-based company as part of this pilot project will be a good example for the population with regard to the electrification of transportation and the reduction of GHG emissions.

  • This application is eligible because it aims to achieve or exceed the following environmental objective: The project has the potential to reduce lifecycle GHG emissions by at least 20% for a municipal fleet or a portion of a municipal fleet.


Ville de Varennes, QC