Programme suivi lacs et rivière du Diable

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Water
Project value$32,900
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Watershed Management
Grant amount$16,450
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Mont-Tremblant, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 10,992
Project timeline 2005 - 2011
Project number 5604


Mont-Tremblant draws its raw water from the Rivière du Diable while its lakes provide drinking water for shoreline residents. The Town’s Environment Management Plan, developed in 2003, sets out steps to improve the Town’s environment quality. This project addresses one its most important aspects: the creation of a database to characterize all the main water bodies and courses in Mont-Tremblant, including their physical, chemical and biological parameters, supply sources, contaminants, etc. in order to establish an effective water quality indicator. The prime goal is to determine the trophic status of each water body. This health profile is to be updated every three years to check for degradation, stagnation or improvement. In this way, any trends in common parameters regarding phosphorus, coliform organisms, etc. could be identified. Such a health profile will also check the safety (potability) of the various drinking water supply sources and convey information to citizens, as necessary. By classifying the trophic status, corrective steps can be taken to curb negative effects on water bodies and prioritize initiatives to be taken for critical watersheds.


Ville de Mont-Tremblant, QC