Regional Municipality of York Water Reuse Research Demonstration Project

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Water
Project value$631,700
Project Type Pilot Project
Sub Sector Wastewater Management and Treatment
Grant amount$191,300
Program type GMF
Municipality Regional Municipality of York, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 1,173,334
Project timeline 2017 - 2020
Project number 16327


The Regional Municipality of York (the Region) will undergo a pilot project to understand the technical, environmental and regulatory impacts of using reclaimed water, prior to advanced treatment, to irrigate non-food crops. The project will inform water reuse programs and policy for the Region that may result from the proposed construction of a Water Reclamation Centre in the Town of East Gwillimbury. The facility will employ advanced treatment (membrane filtration, reverse osmosis) to meet desired effluent quality specific to the facility’s outfall into Lake Simcoe. If the reuse of reclaimed water prior to advanced treatment is proven applicable, the benefits may include; a reduction in the facility’s energy usage that applies to advanced treatment, GHG reductions associated with energy reduction, a reduction in volume of effluent discharged into Lake Simcoe, and reduction in water taken from either surface or groundwater sources for irrigation (see figure 2). It is also anticipated that some nutrients that are not beneficial to the health of the Lake such as phosphorous and nitrogen are beneficial to crops, and thus could help reduce the existing loading of those nutrients into the Lake while reducing fertilizer needs. The Region has secured two 100m2 plots (treatment and control) at Brouwer Sod Farms in Georgina, Ontario. The treatment plot will be irrigated with effluent from the Mt Albert Resource Recovery Facility (WWTP). Over a monitoring period of two growing seasons, the Region will measure and compare ground and surface water quality, soil health, plant growth, and yield. The Region will compare post-irrigation levels for a variety of nutrients, metals, solids, and pathogens to established baseline data. For the purpose of this pilot project application, the Region has selected Nitrogen (in the form of Nitrate in mg/l) as the wastewater quality indicator to be reported on, with an anticipated reduction of 20 mg/l post-irrigation (treatment plot). A final report will interpret the findings in terms of suitable application rates, the potential for application of agricultural reuse in York Region, the resultant reductions or diversions of nutrients from surface water, the cost and benefits, and the energy savings (and resulting GHG savings) arising from this work. Pending additional funding, the Region may consider additional germination trials and alternative crops such as chrysanthemums and/or spring perennials. Currently there is not a province-wide framework or guideline for water reuse in Ontario. The Region has been working closely with stakeholders from the Province of Ontario’s Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks to ensure this study can provide support to future frameworks, regulations or decisions regarding the beneficial use of reclaimed water. This initiative is linked to several existing municipal policies, plans and programs such as the York Region’s long-term strategy Vision 2051, the Regional Official Plan, One Water Action Plan (2017), and the Region Water and Wastewater Master Plan (2016). Several Regional objectives will be directly influenced by this project including; providing innovative water conservation programming; incorporation of energy conservation and GHG reduction in water and wastewater infrastructure; and maximizing the stability and resiliency of water and wastewater treatment systems through applying best-in-class technology and practices. (Project description from original funding application)

Project results

Lessons learned

  • Project team and partners


Regional Municipality of York, ON