An affordable NZER Pilot in Banff, Alberta

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - SAH
Sector Energy
Project value$12,797,900
Project Type Pilot Project
Sub Sector Building – New – with Renewable energy
Grant amount$500,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Town of Banff, AB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 8,305
Project timeline 2020 - 2023
Project number 17543


The Young Women Christian Association of Banff (YWCA Banff) is a non-profit organization that provides a variety of services and programs to the Bow Valley community in Alberta. The organization has led the supply of affordable housing to vulnerable residents in the community for over 30 years, and currently supplies 80 units for up to 110 residents that earn less than $40,000 annually. To continue their mission of providing affordable housing, the organization will build a net zero complex of 33 high quality, suitable, sustainable, and family oriented units. The proposed Courtyard project uses innovative shipping container modular design with an efficient building envelop, a photo-voltaic solar system, and heat recovery mechanics. The project will achieve Net Zero energy while respecting National Park regulations and strict municipal design guidelines, all the while remaining affordable. Finally, the project includes multiple Wellness Buildings Standards (WELL) to achieve quality and healthy living environments. For example, the complex will connect to walking trails, bike paths and local public transit routes. Furthermore, the project incorporates passive window placements, glassed corridors, and elevated sound insulation to increase the quality of life of its residents. Innovative aspect(s) · This project integrates a new model of four-bedroom flex style units that may adapt to shifting needs and demographics to ensure the maximum suitability and highest occupancy as the population’s needs evolve. · The exterior design of the shipping container’s skeleton will meet prescriptive design guidelines of a mountain community in a National Park. This project will further demonstrate the design flexibility of modular hard steel containers. · The project, although in a rural environment, will utilize local trades and suppliers, whenever possible. Replicability · CMHC’s Innovation Fund and the Rural Development Network (RDN) selected this project as an innovative example in their “Step by Step Guide to Developing Affordable Housing” toolkit. · The active modular construction design may scale up or down for multiple building sites, and various community sizes and programs. Affordability · Reduced operational costs through the implementation of energy-efficiency measures. · A net operating profit to support the existing affordable housing program and increase the capital Replacement Reserve. · Significantly reduced, and possibly eliminated electrical utility costs by achieving Net-Zero energy use. · 100% of the units meet SAH’s affordability target at 80% below Median Market Rate (MMR) (Project description from original funding application)


YWCA Banff, AB