The ComPass: A Community Universal Transportation Pass

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Transportation
Project value$200,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
Grant amount$100,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Invalid Account Metro Vancouver, BC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2002 - 2011
Project number 2896


The City of Vancouver, together with the University of British Columbia, will conduct a year-long study on the feasibility ofa community-wide transit pass, or ComPASS system for Vancouver residents. Each member of 100 families in the UBCarea will be given a free one-month bus pass. The concept is similar to Boulder, Colorado's Hop, Skip, Jump transitprogram where ridership has increased and vehicle use dropped. In-depth before and after surveys will assess changesin attitudes and travel behaviour. ComPASS would also support TransLink, the regional transportation authority, todeliver services within budget targets. The goal is to encourage transit and other single occupant vehicle alternativesthus reducing green house gas emissions, empty buses, and traffic collisions.


University of British Columbia / L’Université de Colombie-Britannique, BC