Reducing costs and supporting growth with a membrane aerated bioreactor (MABR) at Waterloo’s Hespeler wastewater treatment plant

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Water
Project value$6,485,000
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Wastewater Management and Treatment
Grant amount$251,100
Program type GMF
Municipality Regional Municipality of Waterloo, ON
Loan amount$1,684,000
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 630,000
Project timeline 2017 - 2023
Project number 16615


An upgrade to the Regional Municipality of Waterloo’s Hespeler wastewater treatment plant with a membrane aerated bioreactor (MABR) will result in reduced operational costs and support future growth in the municipality. In line with numerous municipal strategic and environmental plans, the upgrade, which will diffuse oxygen through membranes, will significantly improve water quality, reduce energy consumption and cut down on treatment waste. Innovative aspect: • The knowledge value of this initiative lies in the innovative technical solution (MABR) chosen Replicability: • This project could be a case study for market transformation, guiding similar projects elsewhere in Canada Environmental benefits: • Significant impact on levels of total ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen, reducing each by 93% and 44%, respectively • Reduction in electricity consumption from the grid by 40% Economic benefits: • Expected annual capital costs and operating/maintenance costs savings estimated at $580,000 and $151,000, respectively • An MABR offers long-term capital cost avoidance compared to conventional technologies, reducing future capital spending and the corresponding burden on both the Reserve Fund and Development Charge budget requirements Social benefits: • Opportunity to highlight a greenhouse gas reduction technology to the broader wastewater treatment community and encourage further uptake and implementation through research, site tours, operator training and extension, etc. (Project description from original funding application)


Regional Municipality of Waterloo, ON