City Works Garage Climate Change Mitigation Feasibility Study

Type of initiative
Sector Energy
Project value$30,300
Project Type Feasibility Study
Grant amount$24,240
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2021
Project number 15654


The City Works Garage building is the largest source of greenhouse gas GHG emissions across the City of Charlottetown’s municipally-owned building stock. The feasibility Study proposed by the City will assist in the development of a well-defined energy-focused climate change mitigation capital project for the City Works Garage. the objective of the study is to reduce the building’s GHG emissions by more than 50% relative to baseline GHGs, with at least two thirds of the reductions coming from energy efficiency measures.The proposed City Works Garage Climate Change Mitigation Feasibility Study includes two parts that will run in conjunction. First, a structural assessment by an engineering firm will be carried out to evaluate how the City can safely increase the insulation efficiency, and add a rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) system. If reinforcements are required to safely support a larger PV array for example, an estimate of incremental expenditures will be required. Second, the feasibility study will include a comprehensive energy audit by an engineering firm to fill in gaps from the existing energy audit. The proposed project will be led by a project coordinator with direction and support from an experienced steering committee. The steering committee will meet with the project coordinator four to five times, once at the project’s outset, then regularly including a final meeting leading into the final week of the project to ensure the completion of the feasibility study.
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