Réalisation d'un inventaire et d'un plan d'action de réduction des émissions de GES de la Ville de Baie-Saint-Paul à l'aide d'un outil de communication web.

Type of initiative
Sector Energy
Project value$100,000
Project Type Plan
Grant amount$80,000
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2018 - 2019
Project number 15645


Developing a GHG emissions inventory, establishing a GHG reduction target, and developing a local action plan to reduce GHG emissions for 2019–2023 in consultation with its citizens are essential steps for the City of Baie-Saint-Paul. This plan falls in line with Agenda 21’s 2017–2022 sustainable development action plan. It also implements some of the recommendations made to increase active transportation in the city’s transportation plan, the recommendations made in the drinking water master plan, as well as changes resulting from the work done by the City of Baie-Saint-Paul’s shoreline committee. This project will focus on an essential and innovative element: a new web platform used to communicate the results of the 2017 GHG inventory and the measures implemented by the City of Baie-Saint-Paul to reduce its GHG emissions and include citizen and set stakeholder consultations and priority actions for 2019–2023. This web-based platform will complement the tool proposed by FCM’s Partner for Climate Protection program, as its main objective will be to facilitate two-way communication between the municipal administration and the stakeholders of the GHG reduction project (citizens, businesses, industries, associations, governments, etc.). In addition, this web tool will allow for effective communication on the progress of the various reduction actions chosen by the City of Baie-Saint-Paul over the years.The council will play an important role in several phases of the project. Elected officials will be asked to choose the reduction actions to be prioritized following the submission of a list of potential actions to the municipal council by the project manager. The selected actions will then be implemented by city staff who will be required to report on their progress regularly to council. Elected officials will also be working with the municipal administration to promote various selected actions with stakeholders. They will also be able to share the City’s successes and GHG reductions through special events.
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