Net Zero North East Scarborough Community & Child Care Centre (NESCC) Study

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Energy
Project value$116,300
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – New – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$29,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Toronto, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 2,794,356
Project timeline 2020 - 2021
Project number 16840


The City of Toronto intends to undertake a feasibility study for the construction of a net-zero energy building (NZEB) for the North East Scarborough Community and Child Care Centre. The building program includes a gymnasium, multi-purpose space, aquatic space, public/administrative support space, five playrooms, children’s support space, and three separate playgrounds designed to meet program requirements for infant, toddler and preschool outdoor play.

The key factor driving the consideration of the NZEB is the city's commitment to its Transform TO initiatives, which aim to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 80% by 2050. The goal is for all new city-owned facilities to be near zero GHG emissions by 2026.

The study will use parametric and energy-modelling analysis to find the best solution for designing the new facility to achieve net-zero energy operation, incorporating strategies to deliver energy, water and waste reduction. In addition, the study will focus on passive design strategies and on “Option 2 Design, which involves the setting of energy use intensity targets, thermal energy design calculations, passive heating and cooling design strategies, peak energy demand calculations, and the integration of smart design to optimize operation and reduce energy use. The study will then explore a range of solutions that will include, among other things, assessing renewable energy options and production capacity to reach operational net-zero energy and emissions, and assessing heating and cooling system upgrades with current project requirements. The cost of construction will then be assessed for all options under consideration. Establishing a baseline cost at the concept-design stage and then evaluating the premiums for achieving NZEB will show how cost premiums may affect the budget and how effective expenditures will be against energy-efficiency benefits, health benefits and resiliency issues.

The expected environmental benefits targeted by this study are to achieve a 100% reduction in GHG emissions. The project will also have economic development and productivity benefits that will contribute to the long-term financial stability and prosperity of the community. Social benefits of this project include the improvement of the community’s quality of life, the revitalization of community bonds, and increased opportunities for public education and awareness.

Innovative aspect(s):

  • This building will be among the first net-zero community/childcare centres in Ontario.
  • Installing a solar PV system potentially combined with battery storage can offer the opportunity to address peak electricity loads, and can replace diesel or natural gas backup generators, thus providing a built-in resilience against energy cost escalation over the lifespan of the asset.


This project is crucial as a “proof of concept” to make the necessary market transformation to net-zero emissions construction practices. This project stands to provide key lessons to other municipalities and organizations considering similar initiatives.

Project results

Lessons learned

  • Project planning and parameters
  • Council support/buy-in
  • Project team and partners
  • Data and reporting


City of Toronto, ON

Download the project's final report
