Environmental Assessement of the Almonte Ward Sewage Treatment Lagoons. (Phase I - IV)

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Water
Project value$160,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Wastewater Management and Treatment
Grant amount$52,500
Program type GMF
Municipality Town of Mississippi Mills, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 14,740
Project timeline 2007 - 2009
Project number 7186


In this project, the Town of Mississippi Mills will conduct an assessment and evaluate alternatives for upgrades to the waste water treatment plant (WWTP) servicing the Ward of Almonte. It will also identify additional equipment and treatment requirements needed for the WWTP to accept septage generated within the Town’s two other Wards of Ramsay and Pakenham. Alternatives include expanding the lagoon system, commissioning a rotating biological contactor, implementing constructed wetlands and adding a disinfection system. Evaluation criteria will include the ability to improve water quality, provide socioeconomic benefits, reduce operating and maintenance costs, operate year-round, and meet applicable water quality criteria. The objective is for the WWTP upgrades to eliminate leakage caused by structural deficiencies, eliminate the land application of untreated septage in the Wards of Ramsay and Pakenham and increase treatment capacity by 1,000 m3/day or 22 per cent. Effluent quality from the upgraded system will exceed current effluent quality and Ontario Ministry of the Environment criteria.


Town of Mississippi Mills, ON