Street Sand Recycling - Ten Year Pilot Project

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Transportation
Project value$6,600,000
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Roads
Grant amount$648,923
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Edmonton, AB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 1,010,899
Project timeline 2005 - 2011
Project number 5095


The City of Edmonton has researched available technology and established that washing of street sand has never beendone on a large-scale production basis. Staff has developed a process that they expect will recover up to 70 per cent ofthe material for re-use as traction aid for the following winter. This translates into an over 20 per cent reduction in totalmaterial landfilled. Related smaller benefits would take the form of reduced mining of virgin sand deposits, reduced fuelconsumption, and related impacts of long distance trucking of sand. The street sand recycling project consists of fourmajor processing functions: primary processing of waste and recyclable materials where street sweepings will beseparated into three streams: litter (plastics, paper, wood, etc.), large aggregates (stones, etc.) and, fine sands that willcontinue to the washing system; sand washing and fine sand removal; fines sand recovery and de-watering; and finalproduct stockpiling. The large (10 millimetres (mm) and greater) size aggregate material will be blended with crushedconcrete and asphalt to produce base coarse aggregates used in roadway construction and maintenance programs.Plastics, paper and other non-aggregate materials will be transferred to the City’s on-site composting and recyclingfacilities or landfilled (as appropriate). The system has been designed for low energy and minimal water use and has ahigh potential for replication.


City of Edmonton, AB