City of Edmonton - Street Sand Recycling - Enhanced Silt and Salt Management

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Water
Project value$942,470
Project Type Pilot Project
Sub Sector Wastewater Management and Treatment
Grant amount$350,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Edmonton, AB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 1,010,899
Project timeline 2007 - 2011
Project number 9082


This field test will evaluate a process to extract salt from water that is used to wash recovered street sand. The City currently recovers up to 80 percent of sand used as traction material during the winter; the sand is washed and recycled. A settling pond is used to store the wash water, and as a repository for contaminants and suspended solids. Effective removal of solids and a reduction in water volume will facilitate the recovery of salt from the washwater (brine). After investigating a number of mechanical and chemical processes for removing silt and fines from water, a flocculant-based extraction process using high-capacity equipment has been selected for field testing. The objective is to concentrate the brine so that it can be used to re-salt the sand for next year's road sanding program. This would significantly reduce the release of salt into the environment, avoid the cost of buying it, and reduce geenhouse gas emissions related to its transportation. Should the field test prove the technology viable, the City will integrate this process into its ongoing street sand recycling program. The City will also work with other jurisdictions and agencies to promote this process to other municipalities.


City of Edmonton, AB