Projet Énergie Renouvelable et Efficacité Énergétique – Biomasse (PEREEB-AFMNB)

Type of initiative
Sector Energy
Project value$231,200
Project Type Feasibility Study
Grant amount$175,000
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2016 - 2017
Project number 15251


From an environmental perspective, biomass is a resource that has a carbon-neutral footprint, and residual forest biomass is highly available across most of New Brunswick. The Association francophone des Municipalités du Nouveau-Brunswick (AFMNB), along with 11 municipalities, has shown an interest in optimizing the use of this resource on local and regional levels. In this regard, the objective of the study is to determine whether using residual forest biomass and renovating heating systems for 21 municipal buildings would be financially and economically viable for municipalities and their communities.The first phase of the project would establish the work plan and selection of expert consultants, while the second phase (the analysis phase) will examine the technical, financial, and environmental aspects of the initiative. This will include an analysis of the replacement of fossil fuel sources (e.g., fuel oil, propane, natural gas) via operational data to help identify technologies and operating concepts to replace fossil fuel consumption and its systems. Similarly, an analysis of energy efficiency and energy modelling will help identify optimal technologies in terms of the overall efficiency of the proposed systems. During this analysis, the consultant will determine the current situation of the buildings, the required operating conditions, the proposed solutions, the cost analysis, and the proposed model. All this information will be presented in a final report to the participating municipalities to generate further interest in a pilot project which will implement the recommendations of the consultant and the project management team. The project aims to demonstrate an estimated reduction in total GHG emissions of 78% to 81%, depending on the replaced energy source. The deliverables will determine how much these energy efficiency measures can help municipalities meet their needs with respect to generating energy savings in the medium and long term, how much they can help with the revitalization of the regions, and how much they can support or create local and regional jobs and wealth.
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