Technical and Financial Feasibility Study to Improve Energy Efficiency and Reduce GHG Emissions of the Affinity Credit Union Recreation Centre in the Town of Shellbrook, Saskatchewan

Type of initiative
Sector Energy
Project value$143,600
Project Type Feasibility Study
Grant amount$98,200
Program type MCIP
Municipality ,
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 0
Project timeline 2017 - 2018
Project number 15253


The Affinity Credit Union Recreation Centre in the Town of Shellbrook, Saskatchewan, is a hub of regional sport and activity for the Town and surrounding villages, hamlets, rural municipalities and First Nations communities. The building envelopes of the arena and curling rink are currently uninsulated and a number of major components are nearing the end of their service lives. This offers a timely opportunity to upgrade the building envelopes, ice plant, arena ice surface, boilers, lighting and other features of the facility to dramatically improve energy efficiency and reduce corresponding GHG emissions. The proposed study will investigate a number of technically feasible options for improving the energy efficiency of the facility. These will be combined into a set of practical alternatives for comparison against the baseline facility and operations. The alternatives will then be ranked according to natural gas and electricity consumption, corresponding GHG emissions reduction, life cycle costs, financial feasibility and corresponding risk.The Town and surrounding communities rely on the arena and curling rink for a variety of winter sports. Potential upgrades would not only improve the functionality and comfort of the facility during the winter months, but with a new insulated surface, enjoyment of the arena itself can extend to the summer months to support sports like lacrosse and activities like dancing. So the results of the feasibility study can not only set the stage for a number of efficiency improvements, but also offer the opportunity to explore options that extend the enjoyment of the facility for everyone in the region. Environmental benefits include a reduction in pipe breakage and corresponding fluid leaks caused by frost heave and settling of the current (uninsulated) arena ice surface. Social and economic benefits include summer use and operation of a currently winter-only arena.
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