Energy Management Program

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Energy
Project value$240,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – Existing – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$120,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Region of Peel, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 1,451,022
Project timeline 2006 - 2011
Project number 7205


As part of its Energy Management Program (EMP), the Social Housing Services Corporation (SHSC) is partnering with the Regional Municipality of Peel to undertake an Audit Project on 5,000 social housing units across Ontario. Audit reports will include recommendations to the housing providers for retrofit opportunities to reduce energy and water use. The EMP includes tracking energy and water use through an on-line Energy Management System; tailoring services directly to the social housing sector; and creating a revolving fund to enable housing providers to implement energy-efficiency projects. In 2003, it was determined, through a survey, that an average 700-square-foot (ft2) housing unit consumed 15,181 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity. Assuming the co-efficient for coal is 1.06 tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per mega-watt hour (MWh) and natural gas is 0.62 tonnes of GHG emissions per MWh, the average GHG emission per 700 ft2 unit equals approximately 12.75 tonnes. With the implementation of retrofit opportunities, an estimated 0.7 tonnes of GHG emissions will be reduced per unit each year.


Social Housing Services Corporation, ON