Bracebridge Multi-Use Community Centre (MUCC) Net Zero Feasibility

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Energy
Project value$72,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – New – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$36,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Town of Bracebridge, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 17,305
Project timeline 2020 - 2020
Project number 16868


The Town of Bracebridge intends to undertake a feasibility study for the construction of a net-zero energy building for a multi-use community centre for the District of Muskoka. The building will serve as a recreational and cultural facility, and will include an ice arena. The initiative aligns with the town's 2018–2028 Community Strategic Plan for mitigating and adapting to climate change.

The study intends to use a return on investment (ROI) approach to demonstrate the anticipated environmental results by modelling base building energy usage in comparison with three renewable energy alternatives (geothermal, solar and bio-generation). The study will use models that support the expected environmental performance; analysis of the recommended option from a life-cycle perspective; and a business case for recommended options with operational ROI. The capital costs of each system will be baselined, energy savings estimated, life-cycle maintenance and replacement determined, and then all will be factored to arrive at an ROI. Actual project performance should be realized when the building is constructed and is operating with the recommended systems in place.

The environmental benefits targeted by this study are to achieve net-zero energy through energy efficiency measures and on-site generation of renewable energy. This project should generate economic benefits through an increased ROI, as it will reduce maintenance and operational costs in the long term. Social benefits of the project include improved quality of life for the community, the revitalization of community bonds, and increased opportunities for public education and awareness.

Innovative aspect(s):

Targeting net-zero energy for this type of building is a significant innovation as it goes beyond “business as usual,” particularly for the ice arena component of the project, given the challenge to offset conventional gas systems.


The proposed approach, expected outcome and lessons learned anticipated for the initiative have the potential to be shared and applied to similar initiatives, in whole or in part, in a wide range of Canadian municipalities.

Project results

Lessons learned

  • Project planning and parameters
  • Council support/buy-in
  • Project team and partners
  • Budgeting and time management
  • Data and reporting


Town of Bracebridge, ON