University Village Local Area Plan, District of North Cowichan

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$165,700
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Grant amount$60,300
Program type GMF
Municipality District of North Cowichan, BC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 31,990
Project timeline 2013 - 2015
Project number 13037


The District of North Cowichan has collaborated with the City of Duncan to develop a joint sustainable Local Area Plan (LAP) to guide development of the District’s South End and Duncan’s adjacent downtown area (“University Village”), while meeting both jurisdictions’ environmental and socioeconomic goals. Located on Vancouver Island’s eastern shore between Victoria and Nanaimo, the two municipalities have experienced slow but steady population growth in the past decade, driven largely by the tourism and service sectors. With this plan, the municipalities aim to direct new sustainable, mixed-use development into the area. The LAP outlines: policies to guide future land use; urban design elements; development density thresholds; and energy and climate initiatives to help meet the community-wide emissions reduction target of 33 per cent by 2025, and 80 per cent by 2050, relative to 2007 levels. The plan also incorporates strategies to reduce water consumption and stormwater run-off to protect the Somenos Marsh, an important bird and wildlife area, and considers the risks and vulnerabilities associated with building in a floodplain. Other actions identified in the plan include: expanding organics collection to multi-family residential buildings; implementing redevelopment incentives, such as density bonuses, for the three brownfield sites in the plan area; strategies to increase the modal share for transit and other active modes; and reducing energy demand for different building types. LAP is based on a property market overview that analyzed the current and future demand for commercial space, and the potential impact of designating additional land for retail and residential uses. In addition, a community stakeholder advisory committee championed the project and gave its feedback at key development stages. The LAP planning team engaged the community through an innovative mix of conventional outreach methods, such as open houses and workshops, and interactive tools such as PlaceSpeak, a web-based consultation platform. Outcomes and lessons learned will be shared with other municipalities through the Planning Institute of BC. North Cowichan anticipates high interest because of the plan’s focus on the shared goals and services of two jurisdictions. (As per February 10, 2016 announcement)


District of North Cowichan, BC