Eco-Industrial Networking Strategy for the City of Greater Sudbury

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$232,815
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Sustainable Communities
Grant amount$67,707
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Greater Sudbury, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 166,004
Project timeline 2006 - 2011
Project number 9035


The City of Greater Sudbury has a long-term target to locally produce 50 per cent of the community's energy and fuels through waste heat recovery, collaborative renewable energy generation pilot projects (for example, small co-generation systems within industrial parks) and waste-to-energy systems. This planning study is the first step in developing an Eco-Industrial Networking (EIN) Strategy, which is a systems approach based on community, ecological and industrial profiles. The study will identify projects to help meet the City’s energy target. It will also identify opportunities to increase resource synergies and efficiencies among public and private sector businesses and institutions. Simultaneously it will consider opportunities for reducing energy and water consumption, wastewater and solid waste. In addition, the EIN will integrate environmental strategies such as greenspace preservation, greenhouse gas reduction, green building design and retrofit, and community energy systems. As a result of the project, the City expects to be able to identify and then support capital projects that would lead to a 20 per cent reduction in ICI energy use and/or displacement with local, renewable energy generation.


Greater Sudbury Development Corporation, ON