Thunder Bay - Protective and Emergency Services Training - Fire Site

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Brownfield
Project value$62,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Site assessments and remedial action plans
Grant amount$31,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Thunder Bay, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 108,843
Project timeline 2007 - 2011
Project number 9057


The City of Thunder Bay wants to remediate a City-owned contaminated 21 acre site located close to the Lake Superior waterfront. The property was previously used as a dump site for snow and construction debris. Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) found evidence of salt and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination at both the site and on adjacent properties. In this study, the City will complete a Phase II ESA; determine the characteristics of the contamination and delineate its extent; identify options for managing the contamination, including full, localized and limited cleanups, combined with a risk assessment; select the preferred option for managing the contamination; and prepare a remediation plan. The current contaminantion presents a potential environmental and health risk for the community. Depending on the preferred option, the remediation will either eliminate the contamination entirely or mitigate the risk of contaminants migrating into the ground and surface. Once the site is clean, the City intends to redevelop it as a regional emergency services training centre that will include green features for energy efficiency, water efficiency, and stormwater management.


City of Thunder Bay, ON