Study of Feasibility and Modal Shift for a Passenger Train between Montreal and Sherbrooke

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Transportation
Project value$419,400
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Public Transit
Grant amount$175,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Bromont, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 11,357
Project timeline 2015 - 2018
Project number 15070


The Fondation Trains de nuit organization wants to study the feasibility of introducing a competitive, regular passenger train to reinvigorate the rail line between Montreal and Sherbrooke. Fondation Trains de nuit, in partnership with ten municipalities, will study the modal shift to determine how many people would use the train instead of their cars, assess the financial profitability of the train, and conduct a public opinion survey. The study’s success will depend as much on environmental performance data as on consultation with the ten participating municipalities located along the route (Bromont, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Farnham, Brigham, Lac Brôme, Cowansville, Sutton, Magog, Sherbrooke and Brome-Missisquoi RCM). Fondation train de nuit will organize two consultation train trips to engage the public, the participating municipalities and stakeholders that include the railway line’s owner, Central Maine and Quebec Railway (CMQR). In addition, a guided survey will examine the public’s interest in the proposed project. The project will take the participating municipalities’ development policies and plans into account, particularly the Montérégie-Est sustainability charter. The study will be supervised by a monitoring committee of experts and representatives of all the aforementioned municipalities. One important aspect of the project will be the study of car traffic between Montreal and Sherbrooke compared to the anticipated transportation demand. This study will include the number and profile of users according to various cruising speeds and price levels. The short-, medium- and long-term financial performance will be analysed, as well as the cost increase at 45, 60 and 80 miles per hour, and the potential income generated by train service on the Montreal-Sherbrooke and Montreal-Bromont stretches. A specialized firm will estimate the project’s greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction based on the traffic study results. Emissions of air pollutants like nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides and volatile organic compounds will also be analyzed. The three interim reports will be included in a final report that will describe the train’s profitability and the environmental benefits from the traffic study. In addition to reducing GHG emissions, a train would diversify mobility, increase municipal income with renovations around the train stations, create jobs and boost tourism. (Project description from original funding application)


Fondation Trains de nuit, QC