Development of Model Urban Drainage Areas in Seven Riverside Municipalities

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Water
Project value$255,400
Project Type Pilot Project
Sub Sector Stormwater Management
Grant amount$125,300
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Causapscal, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 2,147
Project timeline 2016 - 2019
Project number 15146


To preserve the natural ecosystem and maintain Atlantic salmon habitat, the Matapédia and Patapédia River Management Corporation (Corporation de Gestion des Rivières Matapédia et Patapédia - CGRMP) set up a partnership with seven municipalities in the Matapédia Valley: Sayabec, Val-Brillant, Amqui, Lac-au-Saumon, Causapscal, Sainte-Florence in the Matapédia RCM and the municipality of Matapédia in the Avignon RCM. The purpose of the initiative is to minimize peak flows and sediment loads from urban drainage areas in these riverside municipalities to a salmon-bearing river. To preserve sustainable coexistence of the salmon and the inhabited and developing areas on the Matapédia River, the project aims to put a number of sustainable stormwater management measures in place at both residential and municipal levels. The project arose from an action plan developed jointly by the municipalities to implement solutions to issues discussed in the Matapédia-Restigouche Watershed Master Plan. This same plan, which was coordinated by the Matapédia-Restigouche watershed organization (OBVMR), was incorporated into the Matapédia RCM's sustainable development plan, Écoterritoire habité [inhabited eco-territory]. The CGRMP contracted the OBVMR to coordinate the project and sustain ongoing communication with stakeholders. In addition, three areas of work were identified in the context of this project: 1) educate and raise awareness among residents, elected officials, and municipal workers; 2) set up affordable residential developments for the seven municipal partners, and 3) draft a feasibility study with preliminary plans and specifications for the seven municipalities. The proposed working method included the transfer of expertise to municipal partners so as to ensure they acquired the knowledge needed to replicate the project in relation to other drainage area issues. The objective in terms of the residential component is to perform 70 feasibility studies across the seven municipalities. Seven municipal studies will complete the assessment work. The feasibility studies will be followed by a pilot project to test the implementation of measures to promote rainwater infiltration, both upstream and downstream of the target urban drainage areas. The objective of the pilot phase is to apply stormwater management measures for 70 residential sites and one municipal site in the municipality of Val-Brillant. The pilot projects will differ to develop and assess a variety of solutions. The effectiveness of the measures will be monitored over a year using a protocol developed by the OBVMR. The data collected from the sites, along with observations from project partners as to the operation of the project will be recorded in a technical review and report. The report will examine the environmental, social and economic impacts and formulate recommendations regarding the implementation of similar measures in the participating municipalities and the adoption of new policies for optimal stormwater management. The decrease in urban runoff will result in a decrease in sediment transported in the runoff. This sediment contains pollutants that lead to degradation in aquatic habitat quality and forms deltas that can obstruct the movement of salmon and other fish. The project also aims to increase rainwater infiltration in the soil, decrease the volume of urban water discharged into watercourses during peak flows, and reduce the number of overflows in certain municipal water treatment systems. Anticipated social and economic benefits include strengthening neighbourly ties, and maintaining the quality of the Atlantic salmon habitat, which represents hundreds of jobs in the region. (Project description from original funding application)

Project results

Lessons learned

  • Data and reporting


Corporation de Gestion des Rivières Matapédia et Patapédia, QC

Download the project's final report
