Halte récréative et culturelle de la Pointe-Valaine

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Energy
Project value$1,675,528
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Building – New – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$380,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville d'Otterburn Park, QC
Loan amount$803,915
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 8,479
Project timeline 2007 - 2012
Project number 7134


In this project, the Town of Otterburn Park will reaffirm its image as an active waterfront community by achieving two sustainable development objectives: the building of an exemplary recreational community building using the LEED (Leader in Energy Efficient Design) Silver guidelines as a minimum and the rehabilitation of contaminated shoreline that is one of the few recreational waterfront sites on the Richelieu River. The new building will use 60 per cent less energy overall than the benchmark building, based on the minimum requirements of the Model National Energy Code (from 866,002 to 349,431 megajoules per year). This equals a decrease of 13,567 kilograms of greenhouse gas (GHG) a year compared to the benchmark building. Estimates for decreases in water consumption are: potable water by 235,000 litres per year, rainwater effluent by 533,460 litres per year, and wastewater by 171,500 litres per year. The restoration of Pointe Valaine near the Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve, involves appropriating the point, eliminating agricultural and roadway pollutants, creating wetland habitats, establishing a natural filtration system to prevent rainwater effluent from contaminating the Richelieu River and diverting/controlling suspended solids, phosphorus and nitrogen from the Bernard Creek.


Ville d'Otterburn Park, QC