SAH - Assessing a near-zero emission new construction of 101 to 121 units for families in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - SAH
Sector Energy
Project value$54,560
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – New – with Renewable energy
Grant amount$27,280
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Vancouver, BC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 662,248
Project timeline 2021 - 2023
Project number 18084


The City of Vancouver through the Vancouver Affordable Housing Agency (VAHA) has a clear mandate of delivering 2,500 affordable housing units on municipal and partner land between 2014 to 2021. The city has identified the lot at the center of this study as a good candidate for the development of 121 new units.  The study aims to increase access to affordable and energy-efficient housing in the East of Vancouver. The project will be a near-zero emission building, more specifically built following Passive House Standards. The building is anticipated to consume up to 90 percent less heating and cooling energy than conventional buildings. More specifically, the study will assess various construction methods and energy-efficient measures such as solar PV (or other renewables), passive house standards, and mechanical ventilation alternatives to optimize thermal comfort. 
Furthermore, the applicant is clear about their objective to improve health and quality of life for the residents and the community. For example, they will explore acoustic dampening  technologies, including winter garden balconies on the north-facing units, to mitigate noise disturbances from the adjacent highway. Moreover, the city will use a tool to measure the effects of the building's design options on interactions and sociability.    
Innovative aspect(s):   
· The team will be exploring ways to achieve the Passive House certification while also being fossil fuel free while maintaining affordable rents   
· The courtyard design will help with natural ventilation, daylight, and noise that will support a higher comfort and quality of life for the residents   
· The winter gardens will help with ventilation airflows, mitigate noise and healthy homes.    
· Incorporate off-site fabrication construction methodology to accelerate the development and construction process, to increase efficiency, and reduce waste  
· Increase knowledge and awareness of the capabilities of the prefabricated construction industry, innovations, and technology in construction and sustainability,  · This applicant has a collaboration with BC Housing’s & UBC’s Research Divisions and will be using this case study as a tool to raise awareness and increase knowledge among partners around modular prefabricated construction methods   
· The applicant will produce several small studies of critical decisions, approaches, or technology to be shared across the sector for providers interested in building a more livable zero-emissions and low energy building. 
(Project Description from original funding application) 


City of Vancouver, BC