SAH - Assessing a net-zero ready new construction of 12 units and a retrofit of 12 units for families in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - SAH
Sector Energy
Project value$639,200
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – New – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$157,200
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Winnipeg, MB
Status In Progress
Population 749,607
Project timeline 2022 -
Project number 18109


Bannerman Green Not-for-Profit Housing Co-op Inc. (est. 2020) is a newly incorporated entity in an urban residential area of Winnipeg. The co-op currently owns a lot on which they would like to build 12 new units. The applicant is also in the process of purchasing an existing 5-unit building and a second empty lot. The objective of the study is to increase access to affordable and energy efficient housing in the North End of the city.

The study builds on an existing assessment and will explore how to achieve further energy reductions for the existing units and new ones. The energy reduction measures that will be explored include significant levels of insulation in exterior walls and ceilings, impermeable air/vapor barriers, zero thermal bridging as well as solar panels to achieve net-zero buildings. Moreover, the applicant is committed to selecting materials with a net embodied carbon, which are materials that store more carbon than the carbon produced during construction.
Furthermore, the applicant plans to incorporate social benefits to improve the quality of life of the residents by adding heating and cooling control, improving acoustic privacy and noise management, monitoring air quality, providing community gardens and accessibility to public transport. 

Innovative aspect(s):
  • This is the first project for the newly established volunteer-run cooperative organized by residents and neighbors. The newly established organization will be hiring a complete technical consulting team to lead them through successful design and modeling construction, and documentation processes.
  • The co-op intends to work with the local construction co-ops and social enterprises to increase their experience and viability and ensure the local replication of new technologies and approaches.
  • The co-op will document the results of their work and provide on-site data and modeling as a resource to local schools, educational facilities, and non-profits.
  • In addition, they are in the process of identifying a filmmaker to document the process as a tool for education and replication.
  • The choice of working on a new MURB, an existing retrofit, and a new family-oriented building in one single project can create a useful comparison that can be helpful to other providers across Canada.
  • The proposed three-building project types (new MURB; existing retrofit; and new small construction geared to families) will enable various local training and economic development strategies, as well as technology transfers within the community.
  • Reduction in operating costs through energy and water savings are anticipated.
  • The selection of resilient and durable materials following the passive housing standards is projecting an increased lifespan of the building and a reduction of maintenance costs.
  • The co-op will work with local social enterprises (such as BUILD Inc and Sun Certified Builders Co-op Ltd) to understand the construction components.
(Project description from original funding application)


Bannerman Green Not For Profit Housing Co-Op Inc., MB