Alternative Fuels for City of Waterloo Fleet

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Transportation
Project value$55,000
Project Type Pilot Project
Sub Sector Fleet Management
Grant amount$27,500
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Waterloo, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 121,436
Project timeline 2005 - 2011
Project number 3376


The test, being conducted by the City of Waterloo in co-operation with Green Concepts Incorporated and Clean Air Technologies International from May until August 2004, will include the testing of B20 (20 per cent biodiesel, 80 per cent conventional diesel) and B50 (50 per cent biodiesel, 50 per cent conventional diesel) fuel blends on one heavy duty and one light duty City vehicle. It involves three 2-week testing periods on each vehicle, (baseline, B20 and B50) with both biodiesel fuels undergoing a 2-week conditioning period prior to testing to assess the difference in vehicle performance, emissions and costs for each fuel. Emission reductions, fuel efficiency and economy, engine performance and vehicle operations will be examined. The study has the potential to achieve significant economic and environmental benefits. It will also enable the City to gain invaluable experience and knowledge for the desired progression to B100 fuel, not yet perfected for colder climates due to its relatively high freezing temperature. The final report will compare each fuel based on performance measure results and further include a safety analysis, an economic analysis and business plan, a marketing plan and an overall implementation strategy for the conversion of Waterloo’s entire fleet to alternative fuels. The outcome could have the potential for significant impact on fleet fuel sources throughout the Region.


City of Waterloo, ON