Landfill GHG Reduction, Waste Diversion and Energy Recovery Project

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Waste
Project value$114,500
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Landfill Gas Management
Grant amount$57,250
Program type GMF
Municipality Leduc County, AB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 14,416
Project timeline 2005 - 2011
Project number 3849


This project will build on the success of GMEF 1130, in which Leduc achieved a 50 per cent reduction in methane gasemissions using methane oxidation (MethOx) beds, a system of landfill gas management that is affordable and practicalfor small to medium sized landfills. GMEF 1130 results indicated that oxidation levels could be further increased if theMethOx beds could be kept above freezing during the winter and if the MethOx bed design was improved. In this pilotstudy, a full-scale methane oxidation test field from which landfill gas is channelled will be designed, constructed andmonitored, as well as a high-performance MethOx test bed where the landfill gas is oxidized. It is expected that mostsmall to medium sized landfills in Canada will be able to utilize the findings of this project to reduce their methaneemissions by up to 85 per cent.


Leduc and District Regional Waste Management Authority, AB