CBR - FS - A Roadmap to net zero emissions for the Stirling Rawdon & District Recreation Centre

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - CBR
Sector Energy
Project value$35,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – Existing – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$28,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Township of Stirling-Rawdon, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 5,015
Project timeline 2022 - 2024
Project number 18263


The Township of Stirling-Rawdon & District Recreation Centre is seeking to complete a GHG Reduction Pathway Study for its recreation centre. The township is starting with this building because it is one of the highest emitters of greenhouse gases in its portfolio, but also one with significant emissions-reduction opportunities. The recreation centre is also a heavily used and important public-facing building, presenting an opportunity for the municipality to demonstrate how it is leading by example to the community. This study is being undertaken in response to the global climate change crisis. The study’s goal is to determine the most effective net zero design and implementation plan needed to get the facility to net zero carbon emissions over time. A customized technical solution will be developed for the facility, including lifecycle financial analysis in an incremental approach. To reach this goal, the township will evaluate a variety of packaged measures to be implemented in phases to achieve the interim targets of a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions within 10 years and an 80% reduction within 20 years. The study will also evaluate a more aggressive scenario where these measures are implemented over a shorter timeframe and identify the best path forward. A measurement and verification plan that complies with the International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP) will also be implemented.
This project would result in several environmental, economic and social benefits. Key environmental benefits include a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, a reduction in energy consumption and an increase in on-site renewable energy generation. All these outcomes would improve air quality and help to fight climate change. There is also the economic benefit of reduced energy costs leading to cost savings for both the facility and the municipality. Other economic benefits include an increased return on investment and a decrease in facility operating and maintenance costs. Social benefits include improved public health, enhanced quality of life, increased public education and awareness, enhanced public space, and increased environmental stewardship and civic pride.
Innovation:   The study will evaluate innovative technologies not yet adopted by the township, including a solar photovoltaic system and geothermal heat pumps. This may increase future adoption of these technologies by
other local buildings.
· The Stirling-Rawdon & District Recreation Centre is partnering with the Mayor’s Megawatt Challenge, a program working with municipalities to reduce energy use and GHG emissions in municipal facilities, hence best practices and lessons learned will be shared with other municipalities
This initiative will enhance municipal staff’s capacity to design, build and operate similar projects in the future   (Project Description from original funding application)


The Stirling-Rawdon & District Recreation Centre, ON