Development of the Lambton sustainable development action plan

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$42,300
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Grant amount$21,200
Program type GMF
Municipality Municipalité de Lambton, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 1,630
Project timeline 2019 - 2021
Project number 16699


The municipality of Lambton in Quebec will develop a sustainable development action plan (SDAP), which will be followed by the implementation of actions to ensure cohesive development while respecting the natural heritage and the community. The municipality also wants to integrate the needs of the population in both the planning and the implementation stages by setting up consultations, a survey and public presentations where each participant will be able to propose concrete actions. In terms of environmental benefits, the municipality wants to achieve objectives that pertain to the effective and responsible management of natural resources, water, energy, transportation and waste, the implementation of innovative land-use planning practices, as well as the preservation and enhancement of biodiversity. On a social level, the plan’s objectives will include heritage preservation, the development of outreach services (including health services), and the reinforcement of public engagement and involvement and municipal life. The plan will also contribute to supporting a green and responsible economy, and supporting economic development and the promotion of responsible consumption. The municipality of Lambton will carry out this project with the support of Nature-Action Québec (NAQ), which uses a methodology based on world-renowned theoretical frameworks and tools, such as the Natural Step formula, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) tool, local Agenda 21 chapters and the provincial government’s 2015-2020 Sustainable Development Strategy. In order to support the implementation of actions identified in the plan, a standing oversight committee will be created. In addition, indicators, targets and leads will be identified for each action. The plan will build on various studies and by-laws produced by the municipality over the past few years (2018 urban development plan; 2015 revitalization program; 2019 residential renovation program; 2015-2020 strategic plan and related 2015 action plan; 2015 policy for families and seniors; 2011 age-friendly municipality policy). Innovative aspects • Lambton is the only municipality in its regional county municipality (RCM) to pursue this approach. The municipality really wants to move forward and to innovate despite its small number of residents, i.e., about 1,600. Replicability • This plan could serve as an example for all smaller municipalities that are hesitant about adopting sustainable development plans due to limited human and financial resources. Lambton wants to demonstrate that a small community can be fully in control of its development and take inspiration from large-scale concepts to apply them on a smaller scale. (Project description from original funding application)


Municipalité de Lambton, QC