A zero-carbon retrofit for Peel’s regional headquarters (feasibility study)

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Energy
Project value$490,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – Existing – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$175,000
Program type GMF
Municipality Region of Peel, ON
Status In Progress
Population 1,451,022
Project timeline 2020 -
Project number 16835


The Region of Peel is conducting a feasibility study to explore financially viable options for retrofitting one of its existing facilities to meet the Canada Green Building Council’s zero carbon building standard. The building selected for this study is an original six-storey office building constructed in 1979 and located in the downtown core. The city is sourcing and hiring a sustainability consultant who provides professional engineering services for the whole design process, including energy-modelling and energy-efficiency measures. The study will explore a range of deep energy reduction measures, including an enhanced wall thermal resistance, roof insulation, high-performance glazing, air sealing, energy recovery, demand-controlled ventilation, higher-performance HVAC systems, snow-melt controls, on-site renewables, a geothermal system, and lighting retrofits and controls. As the goal is to achieve a 71% greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction to reach the zero carbon building standard, this initiative is expected to meet or exceed GMF’s 30% energy reduction for building retrofits. The study will conduct a parametric analysis of energy-efficiency and carbon-reduction measures to narrow the options on which to conduct a lifecycle analysis and risk assessment. The project will also include organizing a workshop with regional stakeholders to present retrofit options, register the project for zero carbon certification, and collaborate to review and finalize the feasibility report. Support for the proposed study is rooted in Peel’s endorsed 10-year Corporate Climate Change Master Plan as well as ongoing work by other city departments, such as the Roadmap to Circular Economy, the Asset Management Plan, and the Sustainable Transportation Strategy. Innovative aspect(s): • The city plans to execute the subsequent retrofit capital project while maintaining access to the building for staff and the public • Metrics analyzed in the study are GHG emissions, thermal energy demand index and embodied carbon, which are novel aspects for the Region of Peel Replicability: • The lessons learned exercise will result in a comprehensive shareable document outlining feasibility, design and implementation processes for retrofits to zero-carbon buildings, which will benefit the region when it proceeds with work on other buildings in its inventory • Lessons learned will also be a resource to community partners, including conservation authorities and other municipalities with similar buildings (Project description from original funding application)


Region of Peel, ON