Increasing energy efficiency of a building for the Toronto Indigenous population

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - SAH
Sector Energy
Project value$20,800
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Building – Existing – with Renewable energy
Grant amount$16,640
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Toronto, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 2,794,356
Project timeline 2020 - 2022
Project number 17347


Wigwamen Incorporated will complete some preliminary activities to support the retrofit decisions of a 115-unit existing building primarily focused on providing decent affordable housing to families and individuals of Aboriginal ancestry in the City of Toronto. The SAH planning grant will support Wigwamen Inc. in hiring an energy consulting firm to conduct an energy evaluation of the building’s HVAC system and envelope, including insulation and windows to establish retrofit measures to successfully achieve a 25% energy reduction. Wigwamen already identified priority retrofit areas such as the replacement of six boilers and make-up-air units. Additionally, the organization will hire an environmental firm to complete a designated hazardous substances survey to assess the presence of toxic materials such as asbestos and lead to protect the health of both workers and tenants. The results from this assessment will help the organization access additional GMF funding for a study and subsequent capital project. Innovative aspect(s): This application is the first under the SAH funding from an urban indigenous non-profit housing provider. Replicability: The activities funded by this planning grant as well as the subsequent study will result in valuable input for the urban indigenous housing sector. Additionally, Wigwamen could use results from this planning grant to support other retrofit measures across their 800-unit portfolio. Affordability: Targeting an increase in energy savings and reduction in operating costs due to the retrofit measures will allow the organization to possibly reduce rent or direct savings into other home improvements. (Project description from original funding application)


Wigwamen Incorporated, ON