Building a net-zero operations centre in King’s County (feasibility study)

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Energy
Project value$89,200
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Building – New – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$44,450
Program type GMF
Municipality Municipality of the County of Kings, NS
Status In Progress
Population 62,914
Project timeline 2019 -
Project number 16782


The Municipality of the County of Kings will conduct a study to assess the feasibility of building a net-zero engineering and public works operations centre. The study will compare two options: a net-zero energy option and an enhanced energy-efficiency option. It will assess overall life cycle costs and potential reductions in greenhouse gas emissions for both options. Energy-efficiency measures will include passive design, alternate building components, automated control systems, heat pumps paired with geothermal wells, an HVAC heat recovery system and solar panel supportive building design. In 2019, County of Kings opened a new administration building with energy usage 31% below what is set out in the National Building Code (see GMF 11003). Building on the knowledge and experience it gained from constructing that building, the municipality plans to move the operations centre to the same site, but this time targeting net zero for the new construction. The new operations centre will house 25–30 staff, one vacuum truck, two heavy-duty pickup trucks, 12 light-duty pickup trucks, two tractors, and other related support equipment. The study aligns with the municipality’s 2018–2021 Strategic Plan, Asset Management Policy, Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, and 2050 Municipal Climate Change Action Plan. Innovative aspect(s): Net-zero buildings are considered innovative in Nova Scotia and for smaller municipalities in general. If constructed, the building will likely be the first net-zero municipal operations building in the province. This will pose additional challenges given the needs of the fleet of vehicles, supporting equipment and emergency energy storage. Replicability: The approach, anticipated outcomes and lessons learned from the study and construction can be applied to other Canadian municipalities. Once constructed, the building can be used as a demonstration project, offering opportunities for replication in the Atlantic region and in other rural settings. (Project description from original funding application)


Municipality of the County of Kings, NS