Hamilton Bayfront Industrial Area Renewal Strategy

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Brownfield
Project value$350,000
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Redevelopment strategies
Grant amount$175,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Hamilton, ON
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 569,353
Project timeline 2016 - 2023
Project number 15137


Hamilton will develop a community brownfield action plan for the Bayfront Industrial Area, 1,449 hectares of mixed industrial property located in the north end of the city on the shore of Lake Ontario. The Bayfront area is a business park with component parts owned by a large number of industrial and commercial businesses including US Steel and the Hamilton Port Authority. The three main environmental objectives of the brownfield action plan are the remediation of soil and groundwater in the Bayfront, understanding the environmental risk and liability in regard to contamination, and improving pedestrian and cycling mobility in order to better air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The city would also like to increase property value and tax revenue in the area by supporting existing industry and creating a climate that will attract investment and advanced manufacturing. In addition, they plan to promote the Bayfront as a cultural resource by identifying opportunities for preservation of key heritage components and improving public access. The City of Hamilton initiated a comprehensive review of the Bayfront area in 2014, and recently completed the ‘Bayfront Industrial Area Renewal Strategy’, a market feasibility Study for Hamilton and the Bayfront Area. The community brownfield action plan will build upon these studies as well as linking to 'Hamilton Vision 2020' which establishes a plan for a sustainable Hamilton, and the ‘Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe’ which sets intensification and density targets. By creating an action plan to address underutilized property within the Bayfront, the brownfield plan will promote smart growth, limit urban sprawl and conserve the natural environment of the City of Hamilton. It will work in conjunction with the Environmental Remediation and Site Enhancement (ERASE) Community Improvement Plan (CIP) which provides financial incentives for brownfield redevelopment. While the ERASE CIP provides a framework for incentive programs, the community brownfield action plan will determine which incentives will work best for the vision of the Bayfront area. Hamilton is also a member of LiBRe, the GMF’s Leadership in Brownfield Renewal program. Hamilton will conduct public engagement and communication, which will include focus groups, the establishment of a steering committee, three public information centers, meetings with industry stakeholders, municipal department consultation and tactical public engagement techniques. It will also include transportation and goods movement network analysis through the study area, and an industrial heritage review to address some of the cultural and social implications of Bayfront development. The Land Use, Public Realm and Urban Design Review will consider the contamination extent, financial incentives, changes in zoning, liability, urban design and public infrastructure to support the preferred land use options. Additionally, the Bayfront Strategy will analyze the challenges and opportunities associated with the redevelopment of industrial lands for new industrial and employment uses; identify preferred options for brownfield redevelopment and target select priority areas for remediation or risk management; lay out actions to promote brownfield remediation in the area; and assess the anticipated impacts of remediation and how it could affect land use in the Bayfront over the long term. (Project description from original funding application)


City of Hamilton, ON

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