Woodlands and Warren Sustainable Community Development Plan

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Multi-sector (Plans)
Project value$55,000
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Sustainable Regions
Grant amount$27,500
Program type GMF
Municipality Rural Municipality of Woodlands, MB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 3,797
Project timeline 2006 - 2011
Project number 9059


Due to the demands of rapid population growth on existing amenities and infrastructure, the Rural Municipality (RM) of Woodlands will undertake a planning initiative to define a sustainable growth plan for the Villages of Warren and Woodlands, which form the heart of the RM. The twofold goal of the Sustainable Community Development Plan (SCDP) is to develop a vision for the growth of the villages and to provide each community with a strategy and action plan for managing growth. Guided by a stakeholder committee and developed through community consultation, the SCDP will address environmental considerations in land use planning, infrastructure development, greenspace management, surface drainage, transportation, and social service delivery. It will consider a number of growth scenarios. Implementation schedules and clear guidelines for developers will support the final SCDP. Upon completion, the RM will adopt the SCDP via a by-law and coordinate its execution over a 20-year period. Yearly evaluations will be conducted to assure and confirm direction and progress. Environmental benefits include reduced greenhouse gas emissions, reduced flooding and erosion, reduced risks of surface and groundwater contamination, improved water quality and safety, restoration of riparian zones and protection and maintenance of wildlife habitat and natural vegetation.


Rural Municipality of Woodlands, MB