Studying nature-based solutions to upgrade Estevan's wastewater treatment facility to meet regulatory requirements

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Water
Project value$175,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Wastewater Management and Treatment
Grant amount$87,500
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Estevan, SK
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 10,851
Project timeline 2022 - 2023
Project number DFC-22-0029


The City of Estevan (the City) currently operates a Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) that discharges effluent to a SaskPower coal-fired power plant, where the clean effluent is used in the cooling towers. With the foreseeable decommissioning of the SaskPower plant, the City is planning for options to improve it’s WWTF so that effluent can be discharged to a water body near the municipality. The decommission decision will be presented in 2024, with the City preparing for any eventuality. The City has hired MAGNA Engineering Services Inc. (MAGNA) to complete a feasibility study assessing green technology options for upgrading the WWTF. Regardless of the power plant decommissioning outcome, there still exists the need for a renewed wastewater plan as the current infrastructure requires upgrades and wastewater capacity for the City is reaching its upper limit. In this feasibility study, sustainability initiatives will be reviewed including the use of engineered wetlands and Waste-to-Energy (WTE) technologies, supporting the City’s goals for improved environmental stewardship.
The objectives of the City of Estevan in reviewing nature-based technologies are to improve the following elements:
1)    Operations – These nature-based solutions will reduce the amount of staff time and chemical and mechanical maintenance elements. This provides a non-catastrophic failure environment, reducing extraneous and burdensome staffing hours, and timely, expensive staff training requirements.
2)    Economy – The reduction in operator workhours and training requirements, chemical additions, and advanced technology mechanical parts reduces annual Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs for the City by a minimum of 20-30% as compared to traditional alternatives.
3)    Community – Domestic wastewater is usually a non-discussion item that most residents do not have knowledge of. The introduction of nature-based, green technologies are community additions that induce pride. These technologies also reduce odours and support lower utility rates and taxation through lower upfront capital costs and long-term O&M costs for the City.
4)    Environment – Wastewater green technologies reduce carbon and environmental footprints through improving treatment quality and reducing chemical use and disposable waste. These facilities can be incorporated into natural spaces, providing biodiversity preservation value in addition to their primary treatment objectives.
The Feasibility Study itself will consist of five deliverables: a Background Report, a Stakeholder Engagement Process, a Wastewater Treatment Options Assessment, a Technology Package, and a Final Report.
Background Report: This will include a review of Estevan’s project population to understand future WWTF capacity needs. The current WWTF will also be evaluated to clearly understand the current infrastructure state and identify any immediate risks.
Stakeholder Engagement Process: This continuous process brings together all parties involved to identify goals and expectations. This includes convening with City elected officials, City administrative staff, SaskPower, provincial regulatory departments, and other relevant regional neighbours.
Wastewater Treatment Options Assessment: This will review possible treatment technologies, specifically comparing advanced mechanical treatment to passive, naturalized options. Options will be measured based on established metrics, including capital costs, long-term (O&M) costs, lifecycle costs, and treatment capabilities. This will identify the best technology to meet the City’s needs. This includes the review of a WTE system that would replace the necessity of landfilling solids.
Technology Package: A pre-conceptual design package will be created around the chosen treatment technology from the options assessment, which will act as a guiding document moving forward.
Final Report: This will summarize the complete findings and map out the next steps for the City.


City of Estevan, SK