Targeting energy efficiency for four buildings in the City of Winnipeg

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - SAH
Sector Energy
Project value$31,250
Project Type Plan
Sub Sector Building – Existing – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$25,000
Program type GMF
Municipality City of Winnipeg, MB
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 749,607
Project timeline 2020 - 2021
Project number 17292


Winnipeg Housing Rehabilitation Corporation (WHRC) will complete an assessment of retrofitting options for four existing buildings within their 2000-unit affordable housing portfolio. The 184 units that will benefit from this planning grant have significant operating, maintenance and utility costs related to the aging building components and mechanical systems.

The SAH planning grant will support WHRC to engage with consultants and energy modelers in order to explore the most cost-effective energy conservation measures to achieve a 25% energy reduction in each of the four locations. Some of the energy saving options already identified include the changing of existing gas fired boiler systems, heat recovery ventilation, building envelop improvements such as double -glazed windows, and LED lighting. Additional sustainable options include upgrades to the R22 cooling compressors, which will result in a reduction of ozone depleting substances. Finally, crucial payback period analysis will prioritize the most suitable measures that promote sustainability and safe and affordable housing to seniors, students, families with modest incomes, indigenous peoples, newcomers, and individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness.

Overall, results from this assessment will help WHRC access additional Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and GMF funding for four subsequent capital retrofit projects.

Innovative aspect:

This initiative clearly identifies the connection between a reduction in operating costs and energy consumption. The subsequent financial sustainability will support the organization after the expiry of their operating subsidy.


Through this bundled approach, WHRC will demonstrate an effective approach to increasing energy efficiency, with lessons learned further translating across its 2000-unit portfolio and to other non-profit organizations to which WHRC provides consulting services.


All units are currently rent geared to income (RGI), meaning rents are calculated based on 30% of what the tenants earn on an annual basis. There is a maximum income limit to qualify, which ranges from $27,000 for a bachelor to $57,500 for four bedrooms and more. As identified by the applicants, rents across the four buildings are generally between $200 and $500 below 80% of median market rent.

With the financial support of FCM, the initiative aims to invest in energy reduction strategies that will allow the organization to maintain long-term affordability of all suites, even after the expiry of their operating subsidy from Manitoba Housing.


Winnipeg Housing Rehabilitation Corporation, MB