Le Chapiteau des arts

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Capital Project
Sector Energy
Project value$18,977,469
Project Type Capital Project
Sub Sector Building – New – Energy efficiency
Grant amount$4,007,469
Program type GMF
Municipality Ville de Montréal, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 1,762,949
Project timeline 2009 - 2011
Project number 5153


Le Chapiteau des arts is the third phase in the building of the Cité des arts du cirque (TOHU), which was created inNovember 1999 by the National Circus School, Cirque du Soleil and En Piste. Along with establishing in one location oneof the largest concentrations of circus arts activities in the world, TOHU’s mission comprises the rehabilitation of thesecond largest urban landfill site in North America and contribution to the revitalization of the Saint-Michelneighbourhood in the City of Montreal. Le Chapiteau des arts, consisting of an 840-seat theatre space (the first venue inCanada designed specifically to meet the needs of circus arts), workshop space, and an exhibition hall, will beconnected to an underground hot water loop from the Gazmont plant that is burning biogas at the landfill site. The use ofthe heat generated by the landfill site will directly displace approximately 135 tonnes of greenhouse gases (GHG)annually. The building will be exemplary from an environmental standpoint (LEED GOLD or better) and will be used as atool to educate and sensitize visitors to the environment. Its most innovative feature will be a mechanical system, basedon the principle of natural ventilation by convection, which preheats and precools all areas of the building that are not airconditioned.The project offers a unique opportunity to demonstrate how ingenuity and new ideas can be turned intoprojects that generate environmental and social benefits.


Cité des arts du cirque (TOHU), QC