Étude de faisabilité sur la collecte et le compostage de la MRC du Rocher-Percé

Type of initiative FCM Green Municipal Fund - Plans, Studies, Pilots
Sector Waste
Project value$174,000
Project Type Feasibility Study
Sub Sector Composting
Grant amount$87,000
Program type GMF
Municipality MRC du Rocher-Percé, QC
Status Fully Disbursed
Population 17,219
Project timeline 2007 - 2011
Project number 9052


The Regional County Municipality (RCM) of Rocher-Percé will study and plan the implementation of a composting facility and an organic waste collection program to serve the RCM of Rocher-Percé, the RCM of Côte-de-Gaspé and industrial, commercial and institutional clients (ICI) in the region. The facility will compost organic residuals from the residential and ICI sectors within the territories of the two municipalities, including organic waste from several fish processing plants. The eighteen month project will be undertaken in four phases and will comprise both a detailed feasibility study and a small field test component. The study will identify organic residual source reduction, collection and composting options and the field test will verify the anticipated performance of the chosen options. The RCM of Rocher-Percé expects the project system to reduce the amount of organics being landfilled by at least 60 per cent, and possibly by as much as 70 per cent. Within the two partner municipalities (total population 35,141) this could translate into a reduction of between 10,000 and 15,000 tonnes per year of organic matter. The net environmental benefits associated with the project if implemented at full scale, include the avoidance of approximately 756 tonnes of CO2e of landfill gas emissions per year.


MRC du Rocher-Percé, QC